Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving

Treasures in Heaven

"We have always believed that 'where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,'" share Gerald and Norma Lloyd, quoting the Gospel passage of Matthew 6:21. "We feel that giving back to Houghton is a treasure."

Gerald and Norma, both members of the Houghton University Class of 1959, were led to Houghton and to each other by nothing that may be explained so clearly as "divine guidance." Gerald was drawn to Houghton for its impressive medical school placement; Norma chose to attend after hearing of its reputable music ensembles. Because a science major and music major rarely cross paths at Houghton, the two were brought together through unusual circumstance.

The unlikely pair met for the first time in Wesley Chapel (back when chapel seats were designated) as a result of being assigned seats next to each other. "This developed into our long-time relationship and later marriage," reflects Gerald, also playfully stating that in a different semester, he traded seats with a friend in order to sit by Norma once again.

The destined pair were married a year after graduation, then moved to Philadelphia where Gerald attended medical school at Temple University and Norma got a job teaching music. After shuffling locations for a few years, they eventually settled in Corry, Pa., Gerald's hometown, where they live and serve today. Gerald enjoyed a career in family medical practice while Norma served in numerous music and arts capacities in the community and at the Evangelical United Methodist Church. She continues to teach private lessons in organ and piano in their home.

The couple has faithfully and cheerfully given to Houghton for over 30 years. They give willingly out of principle and out of sincere gratitude.

"Other than my Christian upbringing, Houghton was the next most important influence in my spiritual formation," states Gerald. "Giving back to those who influenced our lives has always been a biblical mandate."

At first the two gave back in small, affordable amounts and were pleased to expand their giving year by year as the Lord blessed them financially. The concept of giving, they feel, has been a good example to their three children, Deborah, Stephen and Kristen. As a family, they strive toward giving to causes that meet others' needs and that build upon the Kingdom of God; and they are continually reminded and guided by the words of Matthew 6:19-21:

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Gerald and Norma are unquestionably convinced of the value of a Houghton education. Their investment in the college is far-reaching, as Gerald served for years on the Houghton Alumni Board and Norma recently completed several years on the President's Advisory Board.

"Divine guidance in our lives through prayer and the influence of Houghton professors, parents, and friends has shaped and continues to shape our lives," states Norma. Generous gifts by families like the Lloyds continue to influence and shape students at Houghton for service to the Kingdom, building up treasures of eternal value.


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